Restoration Day with Cal Wildlife Society

February 22, 2024

One of the most important objectives of the Strawberry Creek Restoration Program (SCRP) is to connect various communities of nature lovers and bring them together to learn about and do restoration work. It’s these connections that widen SCRP’s impact and ensure that the restoration of Strawberry Creek will continue for many years to come. On a beautiful sunny day in February, SCRP furthered this goal by collaborating with Cal Wildlife Society. The SCRP met some wonderful club members while weeding the College of Environmental Design (CED) garden, and swapped knowledge on plant and animal identification when they found a California slender salamander hiding under the grass. The event was successful, with most of the invasive species being removed before they could flower and spread. Come join us for more weeding and planting events coming up this spring by joining the SCRP mailing list (email or following our instagram page @calcreeks.